Meetup peking


Peking Meetup August 14- August 15. Hosted by team Peking. Location: Peking University, Beijing, China. To enhance the further communication and deeper cooperation between iGEM teams in China, Peking iGEM sincerely invite you to join the CCiC (Conference of China iGEMer's Committee) at Peking University on August 14th-15th.

Peking University MBA Event: The West Point Leader Development System Sun, Jul 30 , 7:00 PM GMT+8 Zhifuxuan Classroom,Langrun Garden, BiMBA at Peking University 2,818 Peking Pythonistas Beijing Make New Friends, Meetup after work 642 friends Beijing Single Professionals Meetup. Beijing Single Professionals Meetup Bekijk groepen in en rondom Peking en probeer het eens. Lid worden van Meetup. Let's Meetup! Alle groepen Groepen waar je vrienden lid van zijn Bewegingen Boekenclub Buitenshuis & Avontuur 01.01.2021 Schau dir Gruppen in der Gegend von Peking an und probiere sie aus.

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THIS EVENT HAS FINISHED. 1.5 ETH GIVE AWAY CONTEST Sep 16, 2019 · On September 24th, HTC Vive has partnered with Peking University and VRPlay to jointly host the 2019 Vive Developer Meetup in Beijing, China. At this event, you’ll learn about: HTC Vive’s latest developer strategy, technology, and operations the VR growth in the industry educational applications new development technologies, content, and valuable experience from the Vive […] Beijing Monthly Python Meetup. Members. Alex Olthoff (alexolthoff1) Bin (iamsk) Christopher Samiullah (christophersamiullah) Evgeny Demchenko (littlepea) Apr 14, 2018 · IBAF 9-11 BEIJING meetup . International Blockchain Application Federation (IBAF) close door meetup was held in Houhai Lakeview Private Club today. Members from China, Russia, and USA attended the private meeting and exchanged views about International blockchain development and collaborations.

Hey Peking Pythonistas, Our monthly meetup is on the second Monday of the month at 7:30pm at the Cafe Groove (Gongti).

Meetup peking

The meetup aims to share the projects, experiences, and insights to make better teams and projects. On August 6th, Peking, Tsinghua-A, Tsinghua, BIT-China, BNU-China, UCAS-China, CAU_China and OUC-China from Shandong Province, we had a joyful moment in BIT campus.

Meetup peking

Aug 15, 2016 Retro-Moto Challenge “Peking to Paris” (“Peking” is the old English spelling for Beijing) is one of the most renowned events amongst vintage 

To enhance the further communication and deeper cooperation between iGEM teams in China, Peking iGEM sincerely invite you to join the CCiC (Conference of China iGEMer's Committee) at Peking University on August 14th-15th. Find groups in Pekin, USA that host online or in person events and meet people in your local community who share your interests. Найдите Meetups, чтобы вы могли делать больше того, что для вас важно. Или создайте свою собственную группу и знакомьтесь с людьми, которые находятся рядом с вами и … 13.06.2019 03.01.2021 22.08.2018 CyberMiles is sponsoring and cohosting a meetup for smartcontractmeetup in Beijing, China this Saturday. CyberMiles Details Active Events 0 Find groups in Beijing, China that host online or in person events and meet people in your local community who share your interests. 12.11.2018 21.08.2018 11.12.2019 Intel aligned with 99Cloud, WindRiver and FiberHome to co-organize the "2019 StarlingX DEEP DIVE MEETUP" in Beijing, Sept. 20, 2019.

Members from China, Russia, and USA attended the private meeting and exchanged views about International blockchain development and collaborations. May 21, 2013 · On May 6th, the Beijing Edtech Community hosted its second meetup at Yuanfen~Flow in 798, currently the country’s hippest art district. Sponsored by the Pearson Future Technologies team, the gathering hosted 35 entrepreneurs, company executives, investors, and teachers to discuss how technology is changing English learning, by far one of the hottest education business in China (and in much Beijing meetup 18/19 July: 0: 9 years ago Beijing meet up - Oct 19-23: bryan-roos 2: luca64bj 9 years ago Meetup Nov. 5 or 6? Flareonbmw 1: Mark Griffith 9 years ago Flickr friends in Beijing: John Quintero 1 Apr 25, 2016 · April 29: Elastic Meetup Group - Ames, IA. May 3: New York Elastic Meetup. May 5: Silicon Valley User Group Meetup. May 5: Elastic St. Louis User Group Meetup. Europe.

about 9 months ago. 7 Went · 4 Interested. Share this event with your friends. Hosted by. Leo Green. Egypt Vegan Meetup. Host.

181 likes. HR Meetup finns för att främja kunskapsutbyte mellan skola och arbetsliv och för att lära känna framtidens kollegor inom HR och rekrytering. Peking University MBA Event: The West Point Leader Development System Sun, Jul 30 , 7:00 PM GMT+8 Zhifuxuan Classroom,Langrun Garden, BiMBA at Peking University 2,818 Peking Pythonistas Beijing Fun & Games. Beijing Fun & Games 2,086 Members Beijing Make New Friends, Meetup after work Hey Peking Pythonistas, Our monthly meetup is on the second Monday of the month at 7:30pm at the Cafe Groove (Gongti). Find Meetups so you can do more of what matters to you. Or create your own group and meet people near you who share your interests. Find groups in Beijing, China that host online or in person events and meet people in your local community who share your interests.

Meetup peking

Meetup. Real Meter 100%. 100% Complete. more Beijing Meetup March 14, 2018: Peking University School of Mathematical Sciences Science Block April 8, 2018: Peking Hackers. 167 likes. Peking Hackers is a Meetup group for tech interested people to share, learn and have fun together.

Find local Networking Events groups in Beijing and meet people who share your interests. Join a group and attend online or in person events. FREE Service to the International Community @ BeijingBeijing International Meetup ( for Beijing  This is a group for anyone who's interested in learning, developing, chatting about, and networking around Python in China's Northern Capital. The idea is to get  Beijing is home to some of the country's best museums, theaters, and music venues, so there are countless opportunities to about the Chinese people and their  1. InterNations · 2.

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Evénements à venir pour Beijing Python à Pékin, Chine. Un groupe Meetup de plus de 2809 Peking Pythonistas.

"CyberMiles is sponsoring and cohosting a meetup for smartcontractmeetup in Beijing, China this Saturday." CyberMiles is sponsoring and cohosting a meetup for smartcontractmeetup in Beijing, China this Saturday. CyberMiles Details Active Events 0 In July 1st, Apache RocketMQ community launched a meetup in Beijing with a perfect ending. Thanks for everyone’s participation. It is really appreciated that over 300 RocketMQ or open source enthusiasts gathered in Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences, to attend this meetup in such a hot summer day. On August 16, ALC Beijing’s first offline salon activity – “how difficult is open source? 》It was held in Microsoft building as scheduled. This salon is mainly to share the experience of open source development, explore how to make open source projects more robust, and share the success of ASF in managing and operating open source projects.