Dolár do riyal omán
This Free Currency Exchange Rates Calculator helps you convert Omani Rial to US Dollar from any amount.
30 days ago. The Saudi riyal and Saudi Arabia The Saudi riyal (ISO code: SAR), is the currency of Saudi Arabia. Using this currency converter, you can find the latest exchange rate for the Saudi riyal and a calculator to convert from riyals to Dollars. Convert American Dollars to Iranian Rials with a conversion calculator, or Dollars to Rials conversion tables.
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Also, view Dollar to Rial currency charts. Get also a Dollar to Rial currency converter widget or currency conversion guide sheet or chart for your website. Feb 09, 2021 · North American Edition. The dollar has traded more mixed today, with the pound and dollar bloc holding their own. The DXY dollar index has edged out a fresh two-month high, this time at 91.60, in what is its fifth consecutive up day, underpinned by an improving yield advantage relative to the euro and other peers (with UK gilt yields being the main exception).
This is the rate that will apply when you sell Omani Rial currency on The amount of INR (Indian Rupees) you'll recieve will be as shown
This Free Currency Exchange Rates Calculator helps you convert Omani Rial to US Dollar from any amount. 19 Omani Rial = 49.3581 U.S. Dollar Saturday, 13 February 2021, 16:00 Muscat time, Saturday, 13 February 2021, 07:00 New York time Following are currency exchange calculator and the details of exchange rates between Omani Rial (OMR) and U.S. Dollar (USD). The Canadian Dollar is the currency in Canada (CA, CAN).
The current USD/OMR exchange rate is 0.385. (Last updated on March 11, 2021 13:00:15 UTC). It means you will get OMR 0.385 for 1 USD or USD 2.5974 for 1
Jeden raj Oman je rozdelený do 1000 základne Omán. Dnes je mena Omanu pomerne drahá, stabilná a veľmi voľne zameniteľná mena. Dôvodom je najmä skutočnosť, že sultanát patrí medzi krajiny vývozcov ropy spolu s ďalšími krajinami Perzského zálivu produkujúcimi ropu vrátane Saudskej Arábie, Spojených arabských emirátov, Kataru a Kuvajtu. 2019-5-2 · Saudi Riyal 682 00001003276 SBD dolár šalamúnových ostrovov 123 Solomon Islands Dollar 00001003284 SCR seychelská rupia Seychelles Rupee 690 00001003292 SDG sudánska libra 125 Sudanese Pound 938 23.02.2007 00001003300 SEK švédska koruna 126 Swedish Krona 752 00001003318 SGD singapurský dolár 127 Singapore Dollar 702 00020031548 SHP libra Ostrova … Do pravého dolného rohu sa uvádza pri dovozoch a vývozoch tovaru do záznamového obehu a na uskladnenie dátum ukončenia lehoty na spätný vývoz alebo dovoz, a to spôsobom rok, rok, mesiac, mesiac, deň, deň, napr. 920103 = 3. januára 1992.
USD a 2013-10-3 · Namibský dolár : 515: names: currency: NAD:name/ few: Namibian dollars: Namibský dolár : 516: names: currency: NAD:name/ one: Namibian dollar: Namibský dolár : 517: names: currency: NAD:name/ other: Namibian dollars: Namibský dolár : 518: names: currency: NAD:symbol = NAD : 519: names: currency: NGN:name: Nigerian Naira: Nigerská naira : 520: names: currency: NGN:symbol = … 2013-10-3 · No Path English Native D? 1: field-label: day: Day: Deň : 2: field-label: dayperiod: AM/PM: Časť dňa : 3: field-label: era: Era: Éra : 4: field-label: hour: Hour 2017-11-1 · No Section Page Header Code English Native Sublocales… 1: Core Data: Alphabetic Information: Characters in Use: Main Letters [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s 2015-9-16 · No Section Page Header Code English Native Sublocales… 1: Core Data: Alphabetic Information: Characters in Use: Main Letters [a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s 1 day ago · The Omani rial replaced the rial Saidi at par in 1973. The currency name was altered due to the regime change in 1970 and the subsequent change of the country's name. It is pegged to the US dollar at 1 Rail = 2.6008 US dollars. Conversion from United States dollar to Omani rial can be done at current rates as well as at historical rates – to do this, select the desired exchange rate date. Today’s date is set by default. Jan 16, 2021 · Convert 1 Omani Rial to US Dollar.
Informació general sobre OMR a CAD els tipus de canvi de divises superiors a Convertworld In 1970, the Rial Said was introduced in Oman to replace the Gulf Rupee. The Rial Said was named after the house of Al Said. The Rial Said at the time was equivalent to 1 British Pound. In 1973 the Rial Said was subdivided into 1000 baisa to form the current Omani Rial. At the time the currency was pegged at 1 Omani rial = 2.895 USD. rial d'Oman (OMR) a Dòlar americà (USD) els tipus de canvi Quantes rial d'Oman és un Dòlar americà? Una OMR és 2.5975 USD i 0.3850 OMR és un USD. Aquesta informació va ser actualitzada el 17 de febrer de 2021, 0:05 CET. Melli Exchange Rates Rate (Rial) Change Time; Melli-Ex USD Sell: 117.36 -102 : 13:12:19 : Melli-Ex USD Buy: 905 -100 : 13:12:19 : Melli-Ex EUR Sell: 5827660 -2063 Need to know when a currency hits a specific rate?
Ománsky Rial je mena pre Omán (OM, Om). Ománsky Rial je tiež známy ako Ománsky Riyal. Symbol pre CAD možno písať ako Can$. Symbol pre OMR možno písať ako RO. Kanadský dolár je rozdelený do 100 cents. Ománsky Rial je rozdelený do 1000 baizas. Výmenný kurz pre Kanadský dolár bol naposledy aktualizovaný 15.
1 Fixed exchange rate; 2 History; 3 Coins; 4 Banknotes; 5 See also; 6 References; 7 External links. Fixed exchange rate[edit]. Fro Check live exchange rates, charts and trends for Australian Dollar to Omani Rial. With OFX, you can get bank beating rates on global money transfers.
OMR USD - Currency Exchange From Omani Rial To US Dollar With OMR USD Rate, OMR USD Converter, OMR USD Chart And OMR USD History along with converting OMR .
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View a graph which plots historical exchange rates for the Omani Rial against the US Dollar Invert table The table currently shows historical exchange rates for Omani Rials per 1 US Dollar. Invert the table to see US Dollars per 1 Omani Rial. Export to Excel Export this data to a CSV file which can be imported by Microsoft Excel.
Symbol pro BSD lze psát B$. Symbol pro OMR lze psát RO. Dolar bahamský je rozdělen do 100 cents. Ománský Rial je rozdělen do 1000 baizas. Směnný kurz pro Dolar bahamský byl naposledy aktualizován 24 únor 2021 z Yahoo Finance. rial d'Oman (OMR) a Dolar canadenc (CAD) gràfic Aquesta gràfica OMR/CAD li permet veure la relació entre les dues monedes de diversos anys enrere en la història.